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Writing optimized PL/SQL code.

PL/SQL was first released in 1992 as an optional extension to Oracle 6. In its initial years it lacked the optimizations needed to...

Oracle JSON

Being a Relational DB developer for years it took a while for me to adapt to JASON- (JavaScript Object Notation) when Oracle introduced

Bitmap Conversion From Rowid

Several times while checking the explain Plan, I find bitmap conversion to rowid which could slow down the performance of the query. The...


Prior to Oracle 9i version, if the leading column of an index wasn’t specified in a predicate, the index was effectively ignored by the...


The PARALLEL_INDEX hint instructs the optimizer to use the specified number of concurrent servers to parallelize index range scans, full...


Oracle introduced this utility a while ago with 10g, but even now it's a hot topic in the interviews. I have witnessed this question...

FIRST_ROWS Hint in Oracle

I shared several post on performance recently. Whenever we talk bout performance first_rows can be of significant use. On many ...

Materialized View Refreshes

Interviewers seldom miss to discuss about mv or snapshot and the refresh mechanism associated with it. While in OLTP environment, i did...

Full Table Scan in Oracle

There is a common misbelief amongst us that FTS are evil, In one of my earlier blog i tried to give some insights on FTS and leverage a...

Sql_injection & Bind Variables

There are profound content scattered all over the internet which talks about proofing sql injection with bind variable as an option to...

Bind Variables: performance booster

One fine morning, I got a request from my manager to drop some staging tables. I Started working on it and ended up quickly writing a...

Performance weary queries in oracle

I had been going pity busy in recent time with several interviews scheduled. Every interview i took, Otherwise different in their...

Pragma Inline

Inlining replaces a subprogram call (to a subprogram in the same program unit) with a copy of the called subprogram. Pragma inline could...


The SERIALLY_REUSABLE Pragma specifies that the package state is needed for only one call to the server (for example, an OCI call to the...

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